
Psychic Twin Flame

Top signs that you have met your Twin Flame Numerous readers are sure to have heard about twin flames, but there are odds that one does not know about what exactly twin flames are? Twin flames have similarities with soul mates. Twin flames are the inter-counterparts of the pair of soles. They arose from a single fragmented soul. It formed two individual souls. […]

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Soulmate Card

Introduction We are all familiar with the word “Soulmate” and always dream of finding him/her. Most of the time, it is considered to be your life partner. However, it could be anyone, for instance, your parents, siblings, friends, or anyone.  The connection with your soulmate feels so magical that you may go beyond your boundaries.

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Esoteric Astrology Reading

Introduction Esoteric means something that’s understandable to a smaller group of people or someone who is an expert in that particular field. However, when we talk about Esoteric Astrology, the meaning changes completely. Esoteric Astrology is the astrology of the soul. It is less concerned about materialistic things and focuses more on soul evolution. In

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Starseed Reading

Introduction Starseed is a person who feels a strong connection with the divine creator. They believe that they have been originated from another world or maybe the planet. These people are spiritually gifted with talents like reading minds or predicting the future. A theory states that the purpose of Starseed is to come back to

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Objective Meditation

In most people’s minds, mindfulness and meditation seem to be the same as being in a daze, but in fact, they are not. Mindfulness is a type of meditation. It is a method of concentration. According to Dr Kabat Zin, an authority on mindfulness research in Western psychology, mindfulness is deliberate and uncritical attention to

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